Dear Parent
On behalf of the School Governing Body and all staff members we wish to thank you for your continued support during this term. We have started the next journey as far as the academic year is concerned. We yet again are faced with an uncertain future in these turbulent times we find ourselves in. We have had numerous challenges thrown in our path. We have had to navigate the return of our precious learners to full school attendance and this has not been an easy transition to say the least.
Even before the pandemic, schools, irrespective of their level of educational performance, provided much more than formal learning. They represented spaces of structure, routine and predictability where, through daily interaction with others, children learnt relational dynamics and socialization. These are extremely important aspects of a child’s overall development and contribute towards creating a sense of containment, social boundaries and self-regulation.
Since the start of the pandemic, due to physical distancing regulations, children have not been able to play as usual during break time. The loss or absence of play has resulted in poor concentration and a lack of participation in classroom activities, especially among younger children. Reduced physical development as a result of diminished play has been reported by primary school teachers as a grave concern.
The absence of social interaction through play, connection and appropriate physical contact has already affected the healthy development of children and adolescents in many ways – cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically. Instead of providing structure and routine, the majority of schools in our country have due to the pandemic become fragile spaces of uncertainty and unpredictability. The impact has been felt at York Road Primary with a noticeable rise in unacceptable behaviour amongst our learners. Learners no longer seem to know how to act or socialize with one another since the full return. I therefore appeal to the parents to monitor our precious learners, check their cell phones to prevent WhatsApp groups from being created as the inevitable pack mentality will set in. Please take note of the company your child is keeping especially during this short break.
We as a York Road Family and greater community owe it to ourselves to have faith that we will get through this difficult time. Until that day arrives I urge everyone to practise safety when interacting with others especially during this holiday period. We must not let our guard down as the risk is far too great. It is especially during difficult times that we as a community realise just how resilient we are, how despite all the challenges and battles ahead we remain steadfast in our resolve to persevere and be victorious. I truly believe there is no substitute for the human spirit.
It is essential that our school have all the relevant and updated information for each learner/parent. In light of this I thank all parents who have promptly returned their York Road Primary Data Information Sheet.
We encourage all Grade 7 parents to complete their online application for Grade 8 (2023). Please note that Online Applications for Grade R, 1 and 7 closes on 15 APRIL 2022.
School commences for the learners on Tuesday 05 April 2022.
Upcoming fundraiser “Collect a Meal”. We would like to extend a huge thank you to those parents who have generously donated towards our fundraiser and who have placed their orders. Unfortunately, despite postponing our Collect-a-meal due to poor parent response, we have only received a third of the orders placed during our previous Collect-a-meal held in 2021.
A reminder: “Collect a Meal”, is on Friday 8 April 2022. The last day to place orders will be on Wednesday 6 April.
During Term 2 and 3 it is compulsory for all learners to wear the winter uniform as stipulated in the School’s Code of Conduct. (Available on the schools website SCHOOL RULES)
Extract from Code of Conduct

We are excited to reintroduce our extra-mural programme. The following Extra-Mural activities will commence in Term 2: IMAD, Netball, Soccer, Book Club, Catrobatkidz, Arts & Crafts, Science Club and Spotlighters.
More details will be provided in the new Term.

Please do not park at the access gates or on the bend in Lower York Road. Parking is available in all the side streets. Park away from the Access gates and walk your child to the entrance. It is our intention to maintain our positive relationship with our school neighbours so please do not park across their driveways or block the access to their premises.
Thank you to all parents who are courteous and respectful towards our safety officers, staff, neighbours and other road users. We appreciate your patience and co-operation.
We appeal to parents to pay School Fees as the funds are required to create a clean and safe environment as well as to provide quality education.
Please deposit school fees directly into the School’s Bank Account.
ACCOUNT NAME: | York Road Primary School |
BANK: | First National Bank |
BRANCH: | Lansdowne |
BRANCH CODE: | 203 209 |
ACCOUNT NUMBER: | 5488 163 0403 |
REFERENCE: | Name Surname and Grade of learner |
Please send proof of payment to the Bursar by email:
In Conclusion,
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. K. Swain on his well-deserved appointment as the newest Departmental Head at York Road Primary. I would also like to thank the parents who have sent inspirational words of encouragement to staff members in the form of praise and thanks for the often difficult work they do on a daily basis, it is truly appreciated.
To the staff of York Road Primary School, I would like to say THANK YOU for everything you do on a daily basis to enrich the lives of those entrusted in your care. The difference you make in the lives of our children and indeed the future cannot be quantified.
Always remember “The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life”
We wish our Muslim families well during RAMADAAN.
Please take care and let the learners have a restful break. Learners who have not been academically successful need to utilize their holidays for revision.
In closing, may all our learners remain safe during this short holiday.
Yours in Education
Having the collect a meal during ramadan is a big inconvenience for Muslims.
Good day, please send your concerns to Thank you.