Intersen phase

Grade 4

DH: Mr K Swain

An exciting and challenging time for the learners. They enter the intersen phase, their school day is longer, the workload is more with seven subjects.

Our teaching methods include technology, intervention strategies where necessary and assisting the learner wherever possible.

The grade 4 teachers partner with learners, parents and the WCED in order to educate your child in the best way.

Mrs J Orderson

Grade 4A

Mr W Polansky

Grade 4B

Mr M Dollie

Grade 4C

Grade 5

DH: Mr K Swain

The Grade 5……

Mr M Ogilvie

Grade 5A

Mr K Swain

Grade 5B

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Mrs R Hill

Grade 5C

Grade 6

DH: Mr K Swain

This is your final year as part of the intermediate phase of your schooling career. You will, during this year, need to dedicate yourself to a rigorous work ethic and extensive curriculum.

During the coming months, you will have to consider admission to high schools and this being said, you will need to prove yourself worthy of being accepted into the high school of your choosing.

You will also be required to complete the compulsory systemic tests which are issued by the WCED.

As educators, we aim to maintain excellent standards, utmost dedication and will take the role of nurturing and teaching your child beyond the call of duty.

We need co-operation from all stakeholders – parents, learners and teachers to uphold the ethos of our school En avant. Ever forward. We trust that our journey together will be one of commitment, trust, respect and hard work by all concerned.

The future is yours – make it the best one possible.
In closing, we would like to add that your expectations of the teachers should match your commitment as a parent.

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Mrs C Maart

Grade 6A

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Miss F Taliep

Grade 6B

Mrs D Davids

Grade 6C

Grade 7

DH: Mr W Carelse

The Grade 7……

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Miss R Johnson

Grade 7A

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Miss C Johnson

Grade 7B

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Mr W Carelse

Grade 7C