LEARNERS’ UNIFORMS (Applicable to Grades 1-7 Only)
Stockists : Grades 1 to 7 – School and Leisure, Rondebosch Main Shopping Centre, Rondebosch.
The appropriate uniform is to be worn correctly and according to the appropriate season.
Summer uniform during the 1st and last terms of school.
Winter uniforms during the 2nd and 3rd terms of school.
The appearance of learners in uniform must promote a good public image of the school.
It is expected that all pupils of York Road Primary School wear his or her school uniform to and from school.
1. BOYS: (summer + winter)
Grey shorts or grey long flannels with a belt (1st and 4th quarters, optional)
Long grey trousers (2nd and 3rd quarters)
White shirt
School tie
Bottlegreen jersey and bottlegreen blazer with badge
Grey socks
Brown lace up shoes
Bottlegreen drimac / raincoat (2nd and 3rd quarters)
School sling bag
School book bag
School sports bag
2. GIRLS: summer: (1st and 4th quarters)
School dress with a belt
Bottlegreen jersey and bottlegreen blazer with badge
Brown school shoes
White ankle socks
School sling bag
School book bag
School sports bag
GIRLS: winter: (2nd and 3rd quarters)
Grey skirt (Knee length)
School tie
White shirt
Grey knitted pantihose / socks
Brown school shoes
Bottlegreen jersey and blazer with badge
White shorts
White sweaters
Suitable training shoes to be worn only for Physical Education.
4.1. Hair must be neatly tied back with green or orange fasteners.
4.2. The following are forbidden: nail polish, make up and jerseys tied round the waist.
4.3. Alice bands: – green and orange or in the summer school coloured material.
4.4. All hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back.
4.5. No artificial dyeing of hair with streaks or the entire re-dyeing of hair with peroxide.
4.6. Only STUDS are allowed in the ear lobes. (silver / gold)
4.7. Hair must be neat and cut reasonably short.
4.8. Jewellery confined to a wristwatch only. No earrings or reeds.
4.9. No artificial dyeing of hair with streaks or the entire re-dyeing of hair with peroxide.
4.10. Any artificial colouring mousse, gel /dyes / highlights etc. is not allowed in the hair, on hands and / or fingers.
4.11. The wearing of fancy caps, colourful scarves, polo necks, sweatshirts, duffel coats, windbreakers, cycling shorts and takkies or training shoes are not allowed.
4.12. Distinct layers in hair are forbidden.
4.13. It is essential that all clothing and other belongings be suitably marked with the name and surname of the owner.
4.14. During formal occasions the learners will wear the full uniform.
4.15. Learners must be in their full school uniform to and from school.
4.16. No part of the school uniform may be worn with civvies.
4.17. Unless a concession is made by the Principal, learners are to wear the full school uniform whenever they are present at school / during and after normal school hours.
4.18. All uniforms must be in good repair.
4.19. Learners may wear official raincoat / bottlegreen drimac in and around the buildings during school hours, but not in assembly or in the classroom
4.20. School bags must not display any graffiti.
code of conduct
1.1. To promote a disciplined and purposeful learning environment.
1.2. To guide the behaviour of learners and those responsible for their conduct at school.
1.3. To encourage corrective action in the event where the learners’ behaviour or performance proves to be unsatisfactory or unacceptable to the Code of Conduct
1.4. To promote civic responsibility of the school by equipping learners with expertise, knowledge and skills.
1.5. To empower pupils in terms of the school’s mission statement and set of core values.
2.1. To adhere to the Code of Conduct and the school’s rules
2.2. To respect and maintain the school’s resources.
2.3. To respect the inherent dignity and privacy of others.
2.4. To respect the beliefs and cultural traditions of others.
2.5. To respect one’s own property and the school’s property.
2.6. To wear the prescribed uniform and to be adequately prepared for each day.
2.7. To respect the right and values of others.
3.1. Learners have a right to a clean and safe environment that is conducive to education.
3.2. Learners have the right to be educated.
3.3. Learners have the rights to free expression.
3.4. Learners have the right not to be discriminated against and mistreated.
1.1. All learners are to show a commitment to the educational programme at York Road Primary.
1.2. The correct books and / or equipment must be brought to school.
1.3. Homework must be thoroughly prepared and completed.
1.4. Parents are to check and ensure that homework is done.
1.5. All work/projects must be done neatly and handed in on time, as adequate time is allowed for this.
1.6. Learners will receive the final warning letter for any work not submitted i.e. after the learner has defaulted and not made any effort to rectify the situation.
2.1. Learners must be punctual.
2.2. Continuous late-comers will receive warning letters.
2.3. Late-comers must excuse themselves to the class teacher.
2.4. Mediators will record late arrivals.
2.5. Entrance and exit gates will provide limited access at specified times.
3.1. On the day that the learner returns to school, a letter or doctor’s certificate explaining the absence must be handed to the teacher.
3.2. Learners who default in this regard will be requested to produce the outstanding letter as soon as possible.
3.3. Failing to do so, parents will be contacted telephonically.
4.1. If a learner wants to leave early, a note requesting permission and written by the parent or guardian to do so, must be handed to the office.
4.2. Permission to leave early may only be given by the Principal or by the Deputy-Principal, if the Principal is not available.
4.3. In the case of an emergency, where the learner has to leave school, the parent or guardian will have to sign a register, thus releasing the learner from the school’s custody.
5.1. The Principal will only interview parents by appointment on official school days.
5.2. Parents are not allowed to visit educators during teaching time without prior permission from the Principal.
5.3. Parents who wish to see the educator must make appointments with the class teacher to discuss the learner’s progress.
6.1. Classroom rules must be designed to regulate the general organisation of the school and the relationship between the Principal, learners, educators, the non c/s staff and the support staff.
6.2. Educators in conjunction with learners will draw up their own rules for their respective classes at the beginning of each new school year.
6.3. The rules have to be consistent with the Code of Conduct.
6.4. The rules must be clear and understandable.
6.5. The rules must be posted in the classroom.
6.6. The consequences for breaking the rules should be included.
6.7. The punishment must fit the offence.
7.1. Learners are to enter the hall quietly for assembly.
7.2. No learners are allowed in the back passages of the hall or to tamper with the stage curtains.
7.3. Learners are not allowed to play on the piano without permission.
7.4. No skating on the stage and on the auditorium floor.
7.5. No unsupervised eating in the hall.
7.6. No defacing of walls or chairs.
7.7. Physical Education and sport activities may only be done at the discretion of the management of the school.
7.8. If allowed it must be done wearing the correct footwear.
8.1 No learner is allowed to have a cellphone in his/her possession.
9.1. Learners must speak courteously and must be considerate at all times.
9.2. Learners may not speak to a staff member or any other adult with their hands in their pockets.
9.3. No chewing of gum is allowed while in school uniform.
9.4. Learners must be attentive during lessons, and assemblies.
9.5. Learners must be quiet during the reading of messages / notices over the intercom.
9.6. Learners must not be in the possession of weapons, toys or materials, which could cause bodily harm.
9.7. Learners may not injure or endanger the physical well-being of another learner, while the learner is under the supervision of the school.
9.8. Learners are not allowed into the classrooms or the in hall during interval, unless accompanied by a teacher.
9.9. Learners may not deface or damage property or anything in the school, which is the property of someone else.
9.10. Learners are to keep the toilets clean and to respect the facility.
9.11. Learners are not allowed to run wildly on the stoeps or in the corridors.
9.12. Learners are not allowed to play ball games, unless supervised.
9.13. Littering is an offence – all papers and rubbish must be placed in the bins provided.
9.14. The driveways, parking bays (and other specified demarcated areas) are out of bounds.
9.15. Parents should adhere to the traffic procedures within school premises.(i.e. no speeding, correct use of entrances, exits and parking areas)
9.16. Parents will be held accountable for any damage to property as a result of their children’s misuse or abuse of school property or the property of the learners.
Serious offences that may lead to suspension or expulsion of a learner include, but are not limited to the following:
1.1. Conduct which endangers the safety and violates the rights of others.
1.2. Possession, threats or use of a dangerous weapon.
1.3. Immoral behaviour or profanity.
1.4. Harmful graffiti hate speech, sexism and racism.
1.5. Theft or the possession of stolen property including test or examination papers prior to the writing of examinations.
1.6. Unlawful action, vandalism, or destroying, damaging or defacing of the school’s property, the buildings or grounds.
1.7. Disrespect, objectionable behaviour and verbal abuse directed at the educators, non cs staff or learners.
1.8. Repeated violation of the school rules or the Code of Conduct.
1.9. Criminal and oppressive behaviour such as rape and gender-based harassment.
1.10. Victimisation, bullying and intimidation of other learners.
1.11. Entering or leaving the school building or grounds at unauthorised times without permission from the Principal.
1.12. Playing truant.
1.13. Tampering with the fire equipment.
1.14. Smoking
1.15. Anti- social behaviour.
1.16. The possession, use of, or the selling of narcotic substances.
1.17. The possession or use of harmful substances.
In the case of minor offences corrective measures may be applied. These measures could include one or more of following:
2.1. Verbal warnings or written reprimand.
2.2. Supervised schoolwork that will contribute to the learner’s progress at school.
2.3. Performing tasks that would assist the offended person.
2.4. Replacement of damaged property.
2.5. Suspension from school activities e.g. sport and cultural activities.
2.6. Detention
Detention will be instituted for minor offences:
1.1. Homework, tasks, assignments and projects which are not completed timeously.
1.2. Continuous late coming.
1.3. Bad behaviour and minor misconduct
2.1. Where the learner’s behaviour is unsatisfactory the educator will issue a verbal warning.
3.1. Where a learner’s behaviour or performance is unsatisfactory, or it is categorised as serious misconduct, or in the event that the previous verbal warning was not heeded to, the school will issue a written warning or a final written warning to the parent.
3.2. Written warnings are only issued by the Principal, after due consultation, investigation and discussion w.r.t. the incident.
3.3. Written warnings will remain valid for 6 months after which they are to be removed from the learner’s profile.
3.4. The warning will contain an accurate account of the incident/s giving rise to the official written warning.
3.5. In serious cases of misconduct, depending on the circumstances, the due process for suspensions and expulsions will supercede the official written warnings and the due process for suspension and expulsion will be instituted.
3.6. Written warnings will also be issued to learners who habitually do not complete homework, tasks, projects and assignments for the purpose of continuous evaluation.
3.7. The written warning for incomplete tasks will stipulate the nature of the work which needs to be completed, the time frame within which it has to be completed and the consequences of not completing the work.
3.8. Learners who do not respond to the written warning for incomplete work will receive a zero mark allocation for the task, or a percentage of the allocated mark, depending on the amount of work handed in for evaluation.
3.9. Repetition of serious offences will lead to parent interviews.
4.1. With due consultation, the Principal will decide on the suspension of learners from some school activities.
4.2. In the case of serious misconduct, or where the official written warnings were ineffective, the case will be reviewed and decided by the Principal, who will then follow the due process for an official suspension and expulsion hearing.
4.3. The S.A. School’s Act makes provision for the suspension or expulsion of pupils for very serious offences.
4.4. The school will follow the due process as stipulated in WCED circular 30\99 (Suspensions and Expulsions of learners)
school anthem
Words by: A.Nefdt
Music by: C. Schilder
Boys and girls of York Road Primary
The school we love so dearly
En avant is our motto
Ever forward we will go
En avant, en avant
With great spirit and with pride
En avant, en avant
Ever forward with great stride
In the days of conflict and of strife
Let’s show our strength through unity
With earnest minds and hearts sincere
Set our feet on lofty spires
Let us then with joyful voices
Sing praise to God Almighty
For great things he’s done for our dear school
Lord bless us now anew