The Office
desk of the headmaster
At York Road we pride ourselves in a tradition which spans many years. Many of you as parents were learners at the school and therefore have a sense of the ethos which already exists. It remains an expectation that you will preserve the tradition of the school and assist in continuing to develop it within the ever-changing context of our nation and the community.
The School Act of 1996 creates a framework for a new type of school administration. The new system allows for the formation of a School Management Team (SMT) which is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, while the School Governing Body (SGB) is responsible for school governance.
It is against this background that leadership and management at schools will differ from school to school, with different expectations and standards existing within the ethos of a particular school.
At York Road Primary the educators and parents work closely together to make the most of our community expertise in order to maximize the resources necessary for the provision of quality education. A Learning Support Educator works closely with the class educators with support and intervention needs. Learners with special educational needs are then placed in a Learning Support Programme.
York Road Primary School’s Mission is to offer holistic education of the highest quality and in so doing to develop the full potential of children so that they can develop as contributing members of society. A Code of Conduct has therefore been complied by the parents, learners and educators of York Road Primary School. The Governing Body has the statutory duty to implement the Code of Conduct to ensure that the school is effectively governed and that discipline is maintained.
I would like to welcome you to the school and I trust that together with the school, you will enjoy a long and fruitful relationship as supportive parents.
Headmaster: Mr. Marlon C Johnson

Pablo Picasso
“What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing.”