YRPS Email & Google
Classroom 101
Each teacher has a York Road Primary Google Classroom (YRP GC). To join the YRP GC, you must first add your York Road Primary School email address to your Gmail app or phone.
Instructions are below to load your YRP email address (Google Email Account) and YRP Google Classroom App.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a logical sequence to install and access the York Road Primary School Google Classroom:
- Add your YRP Email Address to the GMAIL app
- Install the Google Classroom App
- Open the Google Classroom App with your YRPS email address
- Indicate that you ae a student
- JOIN the YRP Google Classroom
NB: You will only be allowed to access your Google Classroom via your York Road Primary School Email address. Please read the YRP ICT policy.
NB: e-Reports are emailed to your YRPS email account NOT the Google Classroom.
Version 1.1.0
- This policy reflects the Schools values and ideals in relation to teaching and learning of the South African National School Curriculum using Information Communication Technology as a platform.
- It is recognized that ICT devices/equipment bring great benefits to teaching and learning programmes, and the School places a high priority on Intranet facilities and ICT devices / equipment which will facilitate learning outcomes. However, in the presence of an ICT learning environment cognizance must also be taken of its ability to facilitate anti-social, inappropriate, and even illegal, material and activities. This policy reflects the Schools responsibility to maximize the benefits of these technologies, whilst at the same time to minimize and manage the risks.
- The School thus acknowledges the need to have in place a rigorous and effective ICT Policy, which provides adequate guidance on acceptable usage and prohibitive actions including adequate cyber safety practices.
- This ICT Policy is designed to facilitate responsible, respectable and lawful use of the school’s ICT framework for all Users which is aligned to the Schools Code of Conduct and South African Legislation regulating ICT including the Electronic Communications and Transmissions Policy.
Important terms used in this document:
- ‘ICT’ in this document refers to the term ‘Information and Communication Technology;
- ‘Cyber safety’ refers to the safe and responsible use of the Intranet and ICT equipment/devices, including mobile phones;
- ‘School ICT’ refers to the school’s Internet, Google classroom, YRP email, computer network, Intranet access facilities, computers, and other school ICT equipment/devices as outlined below;
- ‘ICT equipment/devices’ (IOT) used in this document, includes but is not limited to, computers (such as desktops, laptops, PDAs), storage devices (such as USB and flash memory devices, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, iPods, MP3 players), cameras (such as video, digital, webcams), all types of mobile phones, tablets, video and audio players/receivers (such as portable CD and DVD players), Gaming Consoles, and any other, similar, technologies as they come into use;
- “Users” means Teachers, Parents, Guardians, Learners / students, Visitors and all other School staff members.
- Unacceptable and/or unlawful use of the School ICT systems and ICT devices/equipment constitutes a breach of school rules and any User who violates this policy and rules may have their ICT privileges limited, suspended or revoked and may also face disciplinary procedures dependant on the severity of the infraction which shall be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Any ICT equipment /device belonging to the User may accordingly be confiscated.
- Certain violations may also result in referral to law enforcement and/or legal action. Enclosed herewith is a list of relevant legislation governing ICT law at schools. Transgressions hereof are punishable by law so adherence to this policy is vital.
- The Schools ICT is provided for educational purposes only and must be regarded as a privilege and not a right and usage must be consistent with this policy, cyber safety and directly related to the educational objectives of the School.
- The School has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material you access or post, the training you need to have before you are allowed to use the system, and enforce all rules set forth in the School Code and;
- Under the following activities which are authorized by an Educator or the School
- researching information relating to a school assignment;
- gathering specific information about subjects/topics;
- collaborative learning projects;
- emailing a Teacher or Learner for assistance with school related work;
- distance learning – Google Classroom, and other
- other Teacher directed activities.
Unacceptable uses of School ICT that are expressly prohibited include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, distributing or intentionally accessing forwarding, downloading, scanning or displaying defamatory, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, threatening, discriminatory, harassing and/or illegal materials without redeeming educational value;
- Including visual depictions that are:
- Obscene;
- Child pornography;
- Harmful to minors.
- The term “harmful to minors” means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:
- taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; or
- depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition; or
- The term “harmful to minors” means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:
- taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors
- Using the Schools ICT for any illegal activity or in violation of any School policy and rules, including bullying or harassing behaviour toward Learners or other persons.
- Attempting to harm, modify or destroy data of another User.
- Attempting to gain unauthorized access to programs or computer equipment, including attempts to override any firewalls established on the Schools ICT network.
- Using the School ICT in a manner that would violate any South African legislation and subjects the User and or the School to any civil or criminal action. This includes, but is not limited to, the transmission of threatening material, the spreading of computer viruses, participating in software piracy, using the Schools ICT for purposes of gambling, or arranging for the sale or purchase of drugs and/ or alcohol and other.
- Sending “chain letters” or “broadcast” messages to lists or individuals or subscribing to “list serves” or “newsgroups” without prior permission.
- Computer games are (in general) not part of the school curriculum and should not be played in class or in any area of the school unless a specific classroom task using a game format is set as a valid, assessable activity.
- Users may not use the School ICT for commercial purposes to offer, provide, or purchase products or services.
- Copying, downloading or sharing any type of copyrighted materials (including music or films) without the owner’s permission
- Copying or downloading Software or without the express authorization of the School.
- Unauthorized copying of software is illegal and may subject the copier to substantial civil and criminal penalties.
Representing as one’s work any material obtained on the School ICT which is a reportable and criminal violation;
- Misuse of Passwords/Unauthorized Access: Sharing passwords, using other Users’ passwords, and accessing or using other users’ accounts.
- Learners are not permitted to bring inappropriate material to school in any form, including electronic form. Teachers may check learners USB thumb drives and all ICT equipment/devices upon a reasonable suspicion that the Learner has violated this policy in any manner and remove any offending material and report the incident in accordance with the School rules.
Any malicious use, disruption or harm to the School ICT including but not limited to hacking activities and creation/ uploading of computer viruses.
- On any and all uses of the School ICT, whether in application to public or private messages or material posted on the portal, the User will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language.
- Users shall not post information that could cause danger or disruption or engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks which is based on religious preferences, ethnic and political views or gender and race bias.
- Users shall not harass another User other person by a persistent action that distresses or annoys another User / other person and the User shall immediately stop when asked to do so or disciplinary procedures shall be procured.
Each User is expected to abide by generally accepted rules of etiquette, including the following:
- Be polite!!!! Don’t be abusive when addressing others including other Users.
- Users shall not forge, intercept or interfere with electronic mail messages.
- Use appropriate language. The use of obscene, lewd, profane, threatening or disrespectful language is prohibited.
- Users shall not post personal contact information, including names, home, school or work addresses, telephone numbers, or photographs, about themselves or others.
- Users shall respect the computer system’s resource limits.
- Users shall not post chain letters or download large files.
- Users shall not use the computer system to disrupt others.
- Users shall not read, modify or delete data owned by others.
- Users may only use approved e-mail accounts on the school system.
- Learners must immediately tell a teacher if they receive offensive e-mail.
- Learners must not reveal personal details of themselves or others in e-mail communication, or arrange to meet anyone without specific permission.
- Staff to Learner e-mail communication must only take place via a school email address or from within the learning platform and will be monitored.
- Incoming e-mail should be treated as suspicious and attachments not opened unless the author is known.
- All views or opinions expressed in electronic message form (e.g. e-mail) and its attachments are the view of the sender and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of York Road Primary School (YRPS).
- E-mails cannot be guaranteed to be secure or free of errors or viruses. No liability or responsibility is accepted for any interception, corruption, destruction, loss, late arrival or incompleteness of or tampering or interfering with any of the information contained in e-mail or for its incorrect delivery or non-delivery or for its effect on any electronic device of the recipient.
- The information contained in e-mail messages and its attachments may be confidential or privileged and is for the use of the named recipient only, except where the sender specifically states otherwise. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone.
- Photographs that include Learners and their work will be selected carefully. The School will seek to use group photographs rather than individual children except where individual children achieved great heights in any school activity.
- Learner’s full names will be avoided on the Web site or learning platform, as appropriate, including in blogs, forums or wikis, particularly in association with photographs.
- It is understood that the school obtained permission from parents through the parent’s acceptance of the ICT Form and access to and use of the YRPS ICT / (YRPS Email) that photos of learners may be used on the school’s social platforms where appropriate as part of a school activity / project.
- The School will monitor all ICT / computer related activities of Users and may employ technology protection measures during any use of such computers by Users.
- The technology protection measures utilized will block or filter Internet access to any visual depictions that are: Obscene; Child pornography; or that is Harmful to minors.
- The increased ownership of mobile phones requires that School Administrators, Teachers, Learners, and Parents take steps to ensure that mobile phones are used responsibly.
- The School wishes to ensure that potential issues (such as mobile etiquette) can be clearly identified and addressed; ensuring the benefits that mobile phones provide (such as increased safety and security) can continue to be enjoyed by our Learners.
- The School accepts that Parents give their children mobile phones to protect them from everyday risks involving personal security and safety.
- There is also ever-increasing concern about children travelling alone on public transport or commuting long distances to school. It is acknowledged that providing a child with a mobile phone gives Parents reassurance that they can speak with their child quickly, at any time.
- It is the responsibility of Learners who bring mobile phones onto School premises to adhere to the guidelines outlined in this policy.
- The decision to provide a mobile phone to their children should be made by Parents or guardians.
- Parents should be aware if their child takes a mobile phone onto school premises.
- Mobile phones must normally be switched off during classroom lessons UNLESS it becomes a tool for the lesson. Exceptions may be permitted in rare circumstances, should the Parent/guardian specifically request the phone to be left on in class. Such requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and should be directed to the Principal.
- Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the School Office remains a vital and appropriate point of contact and can ensure your child is reached quickly, and assisted in any appropriate way. Parents are not allowed to phone their children during class time. Children answering phones during class time, will be charged with misconduct.
- Student phones and tablets will be safely stowed away in their class during the day. Each item must be clearly marked.
- Mobile phones must be kept at the office or class locker / draw during the school day.
- Learners are not permitted to use their mobile phones at all during the day.
- If a Learner needs to make a telephone call during the day they must ask permission from the class teacher and a school telephone will be used if deemed appropriate.
- Any mobile phone being used for calls during the day will be confiscated.
- Learners are required to mark their mobile phone clearly with their name.
- Mobile phones which are found in the School and whose owner cannot be located should be handed to the office until proof of ownership is established and consent forms are signed by the Parent/ Guardian and Learner.
- The School accepts no responsibility for replacing lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones. Their safety and security is wholly in the hands of the Learner.
- The School accepts no responsibility for Learners who lose or have their mobile phones stolen while travelling to and from School.
- It is required that Learners use passwords/pin numbers to ensure that unauthorized phone calls cannot be made on their phones (e.g. by other Learners, or if stolen). Learners must keep their password/pin numbers confidential. Mobile phone and/or passwords may not be shared.
- Any Learner found using a mobile phone to gain advantage in exams or assessments will face disciplinary actions as sanctioned by the School. That would be considered as dishonesty which is an expellable offence.
- Any Learner who uses vulgar, derogatory, or obscene language while using a mobile phone will face disciplinary actions as sanctioned by the School.
- Learners with mobile phones may not engage in personal attacks, harass another person, or post private information about another person using SMS messages / electronic messaging, taking/sending photos or objectionable images, and phone calls.
- Learners using mobile phones to bully other Learners will face disciplinary actions as sanctioned by the School.
- It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend another person. As such, if action as sanctioned by the School is deemed ineffective, as with all such incidents, the School may consider it appropriate to involve the police.
- Cyberbullying is the use of ICT, particularly mobile phones and the internet/intranet, deliberately to upset someone else.
- Cyberbullying may consist of threats, harassment, embarrassment, humiliation, defamation or impersonation. It may take the form of general insults or prejudice based bullying for example homophobic, sexist, racist or other forms of discrimination. It may include photographs or video clips taken by mobile telephone.
- The School has a no tolerance policy in relation to all forms of bullying whether it be against Learners or Teachers and takes a very proactive stance in which any bullying of whatever nature will always be investigated thoroughly and dealt with in accordance with the Schools disciplinary procedures and the severity thereof will be taken into consideration when confiscating and or suspending the Learners ICT privileges and attendance at this School including police intervention and civil actions.
As a result of the rapid changes in the development of ICT regulations, the ICT Department & School Board shall conduct an annual review of this policy.
The Learners Parent/ Guardian / ICT users indemnifies and holds the ICT Department, School and or its School Governing Board harmless from any claims, including attorney’s fees, resulting from the User’s activities while utilizing the Schools ICT and any ICT device/equipment.
By using my York Road Primary School email address and Google Classroom, I certify that I have read and that I understand the School ICT Policy. I agree to abide by all the terms and conditions stated in this policy. I understand that if I violate any terms or conditions set in this policy, my Intranet/Internet access privilege may be revoked and that I will be subject to disciplinary action. I also understand that violation of this policy may subject me to criminal and/or civil proceedings
As Parent /Guardian of the York Road Primary School learner, I have read and discussed the School ICT Policy with my child. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes. I understand that some materials accessed on the Intranet/Internet may be illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive, and although the School has taken precautions to filter these materials, such exposure may still occur. I understand that if my child should commit any violation, his/her access privileges may be revoked and school disciplinary action will be taken including criminal /civil proceedings. I accept all financial and legal liabilities that may result from my child’s unacceptable use of the Intranet/Internet. In addition, I further consent to the use of Google Workspace and all the Additional free Google services be turned on for my child and I accept full responsibility for the supervision of my child’s internet usage.
Learners may copy or otherwise deal with copyright material for the purpose of study or education only. However, generally only the author of original material has the right to reproduce, copy, publish, perform, communicate to the public and make an adaptation of the copyright material.
- The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 2000(4 of 2000) prohibits the following:
- dissemination and publication of information that unfairly discriminates on the basis of sex, marital status or pregnancy, family responsibility or family status, sexual orientation, race, religious or political conviction, impairment or age in education
- Hate speech and harassment in workplace and educational institutions.
- To provide for the facilitation and regulation of electronic communications and transactions;
- to prevent abuse of information systems.
- Cyber-crime is defined under section 86 as follows:
- Unauthorized access to, interception of or interference with data. 86. (1) Subject to the Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Act, 1992 (Act No. 127 of 1993), a person who intentionally accesses or intercepts any data without authority or permission to do so, is guilty of an offence. (2) A person who intentionally and without authority to do so, interferes with data in a way which causes such data to be modified, destroyed or otherwise rendered ineffective, is guilty of an offence. (3) A person who unlawfully produces, sells, offers to sell, procures for use, designs, adapts for use, distributes or possess any device, including a computer program or a component, which is designed primarily to overcome security measures for the protection of data, or performs any of those acts with regard to a password, access code or any other similar kind of data with the intent to unlawfully utilize such item to contravene this section, is guilty of an offence. (4) A person who utilizes any device or computer program mentioned in subsection (3) in order to unlawfully overcome security measures designed to protect such data or access thereto, is guilty of an offence. (5) A person who commits any act described in this section with the intent to interfere with access to an information system so as to constitute a denial, including a partial denial, of service to legitimate users is guilty of an offence.
- Since the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, enshrines the rights of all people in the Republic of South Africa, including the right to equality, the right to privacy, the right to dignity, the right to freedom and security of the person, which incorporates the right to be free from all forms of violence from either public or private sources, and the rights of children to have their best interests considered to be of paramount importance;
- And in order to afford victims of harassment of an effective remedy against such behaviour; provide for easy access to the courts of law for protection.
- You as the parent and student acknowledge, confirm and agree that you will comply with all laws and regulations that apply to Google Services as an end user, including, as applicable to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
Google Workspace for Education Notice to Parents and Guardians
This notice describes the personal information we provide to Google for these YRPS email accounts and how Google collects, uses, and discloses personal information from students in connection with these accounts.
Using their Google Workspace for Education accounts, students may access and use the following “Core Services” offered by Google (described at https://workspace.google.com/terms/user_features.html) :
- Assignments
- Calendar
- Classroom
- Cloud Search
- Drive and Docs
- Gmail
- Google Chat
- Google Chrome Sync
- Google Meet
- Google Vault
- Groups for Business
- Jamboard
- Keep
- Migrate
- Sites
- Tasks
In addition, we also allow students to access certain other Google services with their Google Workspace for Education accounts. Specifically, your child may have access to the following “Additional Services”:
– e.g. YouTube, Google Maps. Further, we allow students to access additional third-party services with their Google Workspace for Education accounts. Our school administrator enables access to these third-party services with your student’s Google Workspace for Education account, and authorizes the disclosure of data, as requested by the third party services.
Google provides information about the information it collects, as well as how it uses and discloses the information it collects from Google Workspace for Education accounts in its Google Workspace for Education Privacy Notice. You can read that notice online at https://workspace.google.com/terms/education_privacy.html You should review this information in its entirety, but below are answers to some common questions:
What is Google Workspace & Your Permission:
We use Google Workspace for Education at our school. By using YRPS ICT, you give us permission to provide and manage a Google Workspace for Education account for your child.
Google Workspace for Education is a set of education productivity tools from Google including Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Classroom, and more used by tens of millions of students and teachers around the world.
At York Road Primary School (YRPS), students will use their Google Workspace for Education accounts to complete assignments, communicate with their teachers and learn digital citizenship skills.
The notice below provides answers to common questions about what Google can and can’t do with your child’s personal information, including:
What personal information does Google collect?
Google collects information based on the use of services. This includes:
account information, which includes things like name and email address.
activity while using the core services, which includes things like viewing and interacting with content, people with whom your student communicates or shares content, and other details about their usage of the services.
settings, apps, browsers & devices. Google collects information about settings and the apps, browsers, and devices used to access Google services. This information includes browser and device type, settings configuration, unique identifiers, operating system, mobile network information, and application version number. Google also collects information about the interaction of your apps, browsers, and devices with Google services, including IP address, crash reports, system activity, and the date and time of a request. Google collects information about location as determined by various technologies such as IP address and GPS. Google keeps records of communications when the student provides feedback, asks questions, or seeks technical support. The Additional Services we allow students to access with their Google Workspace for Education accounts may also collect the following information, as described in the Google Privacy Policy: like terms a student searches for, videos they watch, content and ads they view and interact with, voice and audio information when they use audio features, purchase activity, and activity on third-party sites and apps that use Google services. Google collects information about a student’s apps, browser, and devices described above. Google collects info about the student’s location as determined by various technologies including: GPS, IP address, sensor data from their device, and information about things near their device, such as Wi-Fi access points, cell towers, and Bluetooth-enabled devices. The types of location data we collect depend in part on the student’s device and account settings.
How does Google use this information?
In Google Workspace for Education Core Services, Google uses student personal information primarily to provide the core services that schools and students use, but it’s also used to maintain and improve the services; make recommendations to optimize the use of the services; provide and improve other services your student requests; provide support; protect Google’s users, customers, the public, and Google; and comply with legal obligations. See the Google Cloud Privacy Notice for more information.
In Google Additional Services, Google may uses the information collected from all Additional Services to deliver, maintain, and improve our services; develop new services; provide personalized services; measure performance; communicate with schools or users; and protect Google, Google’s users, and the public. See the Google Privacy Policy for more details.
Will Google disclose my child’s personal information?
Google will not share personal information with companies, organizations and individuals outside of Google except in the following cases:
With our school: Our school administrator will have access to your student’s information. For example, they may be able to:
- View account information, activity and statistics;
- Change a student’s account password;
- Suspend or terminate a student’s account access;
- Access a student’s account information in order to satisfy applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request;
- Restrict a student’s ability to delete or edit their information or privacy settings.
With your consent: Google will share personal information outside of Google with parental consent.
For external processing: Google will share personal information with Google’s affiliates and other trusted third party providers to process it for us as Google instructs them and in compliance with our Google Privacy Policy, the Google Cloud Privacy Notice, and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
For legal reasons: Google will share personal information outside of Google if they have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary for legal reasons, including complying with enforceable governmental requests and protecting you and Google.
Does Google use student personal information for users in K-12 schools to target advertising?
No. There are no ads shown in Google Workspace for Education core services. Also, none of the personal information collected in the core services is used for advertising purposes.
Some additional services show ads; however, for users in primary and secondary (K12) schools, the ads will not be personalized ads, which means Google does not use information from your student’s account or past activity to target ads. However, Google may show ads based on general factors like the student’s search queries, the time of day, or the content of a page they’re reading.
Can my child share information with others using the Google Workspace for Education account?
YRPS / Google may allow students to access Google services such as Google Docs and Sites, which include features where users can share information with others or publicly. For example, if a student shares a photo with a friend who then makes a copy of it, or shares it again, then that photo may continue to appear in the friend’s Google Account, even if your student removes it from their Google Account. When users share information publicly, it may become accessible through search engines, including Google Search.
What if I have more questions or would like to read further?
If you want to learn more about how Google collects, uses, and discloses personal information to provide services to us, please review the Google Workspace for Education Privacy Center (at https://www.google.com/edu/trust/), the Google Workspace for Education Privacy Notice(at https://workspace.google.com/terms/education_privacy.html), and the Google Privacy Policy at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/), and the Google Cloud Privacy Notice at (https://cloud.google.com/terms/cloud-privacy-notice).
The Core Google Workspace for Education services are provided to us under Google Workspace for Education Agreement (at https://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/terms/education_terms.html) and the Cloud Data Processing Addendum (as https://cloud.google.com/terms/data-processing-addendum).
Please read the above carefully, let us know of any questions – email itsupport@yorkroadprimary.co.za
If you don’t provide your consent, we will not create a Google Workspace for Education account for your child and you will need to use other software to complete assignments or collaborate with the school.
SIGN the York Road Primary School ICT Indemnity Form
NB: Once completed, the school will send the learner’s York Road Primary email address and password to you.
PS: You will need the learner’s CEMIS Number / Learner Unique Number. You can find this on the learner’s term report or call / email admindesk@yorkroadprimary.co.za
SIGN the York Road Primary School ICT Indemnity Form
NB: Once completed, the school will send the learner’s York Road Primary email address and password to you.
PS: You will need the learner’s CEMIS Number / Learner Unique Number. You can find this on the learner’s term report or call / email admindesk@yorkroadprimary.co.za
Password RESET request: PASSWORD RESET
NB: Once received, the school will issue a new password and email the password to you.
NB: Before you proceed to add your York Road Primary School account on your device, you MUST have some form of security on your android device e.g. pin, facial recognition, pattern, etc.
Now you may continue…
To add your York Road Primary School E-mail account to the G-mail app for Android. (PS Do this step only if your YRP email address has not been added)
Add the YRP email account
- On your Android phone or tablet, open the Gmail app
- In the top right, tap your profile picture
- Tap Add another account (only if the YRP email account is not present)
- Choose GOOGLE
- Follow the steps on the screen to add your York Road Primary School email account.
To view your York Road Primary School E-mail
- On your Android phone or tablet, open the Gmail app
- In the top right, tap your profile picture
- Choose between your accounts and select the YRPS email account.
NB: Before you proceed to add the York Road account you MUST have some form of security on your IOS (iPhone operating system – Apple) device e.g. pin, facial recognition, pattern, etc.
Download the GMAIL app from the Appstore.
Now you may continue…
Adding the YRP Google Account
- Open your Settings – You’ll usually find this icon on the home screen
- Tap Accounts & Passwords. or on the earlier IOS – go to MAIL and tap Accounts.
- Tap Add Account. It’s near the bottom of the menu.
- Tap Google. The Google sign-in screen will appear.
- Enter your York Road Primary School account email address and tap NEXT.
- Enter your password and tap NEXT.
- Select which items to sync. You can sync your email, contacts, calendars and notes to your iPhone or iPad.
- To sync an item, slide its corresponding switch to On
- Tap Save. It’s at the top-right corner of the screen. Your Google account is now added to your iPhone or iPad.
Open Gmail on your iPhone or iPad. It’s the red and white envelope icon or the red colourful “M” typically found on the home screen.
Add the YRP email account
- On your IOS phone or tablet, open the Gmail app
- In the top right, tap your profile picture
- Tap Add another account (only if the YRP email account is not present)
- Choose GOOGLE
- Follow the steps on the screen to add your York Road Primary School email account.
To view your York Road Primary School E-mail
- On your IOS phone or tablet, open the Gmail app
- In the top right, tap your profile picture
- Choose between your accounts and select the YRPS email account.
NB: Before you proceed to add the York Road account you MUST have some form of security on your device e.g. pin, facial recognition, pattern, etc.
Now you may continue…
- Select “Huawei Email” from the program menu.
- To create your account, select Gmail and then press “Continue.”
- A redirect will take you to the Google registration screen. …
- Allow all required rights to begin using Gmail on your Huawei phone.
Use The Gmail Quick App
- Open AppGallery and look for “Gmail Quick App”
- Select “Open” when the Gmail Quick App shows on your device. The installation procedure will start as a result. Open the app after downloading Gmail and give the necessary access rights.
- To access your Gmail interface, click the “Sign In” option and input the details of your login.
- For even easier access, you can also pick “Add to Home screen” by clicking on the four dots in the upper right area of the screen.
To view your York Road Primary School E-mail
- On your Huawei phone or tablet
- Open the email app
- Choose between your email accounts and select the YRPS email account.
How to setup Google Classroom on the Huawei
Download Google Classroom via AppGallery on your HUAWEI device:
- Go to your AppGallery and search ‘Google Classroom’ on the search box, then click ‘INSTALL’.
- Click “INSTALL” in the bottom right and wait for it to be completed and then click “OPEN”
- Click “INSTALL” to complete the installation of GBox
- Once GBox is downloaded, return back to the home screen and Open Google Classroom
- Now you can log in and link your Google account, and start to use Google Classroom immediately.
Extract from Huawei site.
You are required to log into your device (Phone, PC, Tablet) with your YORK ROAD PRIMARY SCHOOL EMAIL ADDRESS.
Only York Road Primary School learners are allowed into the YRPS Google classrooms. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS on this page on HOW TO setup your YRPS email address & JOIN the Google Classroom.
On your cell phone, go to the Play Store or Apple Store and search “Google Classroom” tap on install. Please note: Android 5.0 or higher is required for Android phones.
On your PC, log into your Google account and go to the waffle – top right hand corner – click on it and select “Classroom” from the list of apps.
NB: Make sure that your York Road Primary School email address (account) is installed before you join the Google Classroom.
STEP 1 – Open the Google Classroom App
STEP 2 – Select the York Road Primary School email address as your working account. (follow the prompts)
STEP 3 – Select “I AM A STUDENT”
STEP 4 – Select your teacher’s classroom and click JOIN.
STEP 1 – Open your York Road Primary email account and look for the invitation email.
STEP 2 – click the “JOIN” option in the invitation email.
STEP 3 – You may need to switch (if you are not in your YRP Account already) to your YRP account i.e. your name.surname@yorkroadprimary.co.za account.
Click here to Download the PDF for the full instruction set.
How to setup Google Classroom on the Huawei
Download Google Classroom via AppGallery on your HUAWEI device:
- Go to your AppGallery and search ‘Google Classroom’ on the search box, then click ‘INSTALL’.
- Click “INSTALL” in the bottom right and wait for it to be completed and then click “OPEN”
- Click “INSTALL” to complete the installation of GBox
- Once GBox is downloaded, return back to the home screen and Open Google Classroom
- Now you can log in and link your Google account, and start to use Google Classroom immediately.
- Follow the prompts in the option “How to JOIN the Google Classroom”
Extract from Huawei site.