Circular 01/2021

Re: Re-opening of Schools

Dear Parents/ Guardians

We trust you are well and looking forward to the new academic year. Our learners and their families have been in our thoughts and prayers throughout the holiday period.

The year ahead will not be an easy one as we are still dealing with the challenges posed by the Covid 19 pandemic. We know we can depend on your continued support and co-operation as we navigate the year ahead.

On the 14 January 2021, the Department of Education announced that the reopening of schools for learners would be postponed by two weeks and learners are to return to school on 15 February 2021. We are in constant contact with the WCED and have received guidance from our Circuit Manager regarding the safe reopening of our school. The Orientation Day programme for our new Grade R and Grade 1 learners which was scheduled for the 26 January 2021 has been postponed.


The new Grade R learners will attend school on Wednesday, 10 February 2021 and Grade 1 learners on Thursday, 11 February 2021 as part of their official orientation.

Our new learners’ parents have received an email from the school explaining their BLUE and RED grouping as well as other important information.

We look forward to receiving our new learners at our ‘Drop & Go’ Area

GRADE R – Wednesday, 10 February 2021GRADE 1 – Thursday, 11 February 2021

Red Group:    08h30 till 09h30

Blue Group:   10h30 till 11h30

Red Group:    08h30 till 09h30

Blue Group:   10h30 till 11h30


Please note that a 2nd hand clothing sale will take place in the ‘Stop and Go’ area on the following days:

Monday08 February 202109h00 – 10h00
Tuesday09 February 202109h00 – 10h00

We understand many parents have concerns but we wish to reassure you that at York Road Primary we are preparing the school for your child’s return. The premises including all classrooms have been sanitized. The school has received the necessary PPE’s. However, it would be appreciated if parents could supply additional cloth masks as all children are required to wear their own face mask upon arrival at school. Learners are also advised to bring hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wet wipes, liquid soap and a toilet roll for personal use. These items should be labelled and kept in a sealed Covid pack and it remains in their possession at all times.

All learners need to have their own stationery as sharing is not allowed. They also need to pay their stationary fee (as per requirement list) when they return to school. All grade 4 to 7 learners who returned their textbooks at the end of 2020 or paid for lost textbooks will receive their current textbooks (which have been sanitized) during the first 2 weeks of school.


To ensure the safety of all learners the following precautions have been put in place:

  • Red / Blue attendance calendar
  • access control protocols
  • screening processes
  • social distancing markers
  • limited class sizes
  • supervised intervals to ensure social distancing
  • staggered dismissal


Upon arrival at school, should your child not meet the screening criteria which includes

  • a temperature exceeding 37.5 degrees Celsius
  • display cough, shortness of breath or sore throat
  • have been in contact with a COVID positive person

You will be contacted and your child will be sent home immediately.

Pre-screening must be done by parents, at home, to avoid your child being turned away at the gate.

If your child is ill, PLEASE keep them at home.

Parents are advised to seek medical attention and to keep the school informed as to the outcome.


  • ONLY the school gates at the “Drop & Go” Area will be opened for learners.
  • Entrance and exit for learners will ONLY be via these gates.
  • Access commences from 07h30 and all gates close at 08h00 so that all educators can report to their classes for the commencement of the school day.
  • Screening will be done before learners are escorted to their lines.


Dismissal times for the first week of the new term are as follows:

15 – 19 February 2021R08h00 – 12h0008h00 – 12h00
108h00 – 12h2008h00 – 12h05
208h00 – 12h3508h00 – 12h10
308h00 – 12h4508h00 – 12h10
408h00 – 12h5008h00 – 12h15
508h00 – 12h5508h00 – 12h15
608h00 – 13h0008h00 – 12h20
708h00 – 13h0008h00 – 12h20

Revised dismissal time schedule will be issued during the 1st week of the 2021 for the rest of the 1st term.

In compliance with Covid 19 regulations, parents will not be allowed onto the school premises but are able to contact the school via:


We appeal to parents to pay School Fees as the funds are required to create a clean and safe environment as well as to provide quality education.

Please deposit school fees directly into the School’s Bank Account.

ACCOUNT NAME:York Road Primary School
BANK:First National Bank
ACCOUNT NUMBER:5488 163 0403
REFERENCE:Name Surname and Grade of learner

Please send proof of payment to the Bursar by email:

It is the intention of all teaching staff to always do our best for your child especially as we proceed with the 2021 academic programme.

Google Classroom will be used to support our learners during this period. It is in your child’s best interest that you as a parent/guardian continually monitor and support their work programme on a daily basis.

Parents will be kept informed via the Schools Rise Communicator platform. It is therefore important that all parents download the app. Please also refer to the school’s website for updates.

Please continue to pray for the safety of our York Road community.

Yours in Education

Mr. M. Johnson

(Acting Principal)




(Subject to change)

19 thoughts on “Circular 01/2021”

  1. Good day
    I am a new parent. My son, Abdur- Rahmaan Galant was enrolled for grade 3, 2021. I have not received any curculars or notifications from the school thus far. I am a bit concerned about this. R1000 fee was deposited last year and I received acceptance email. Please confirm. I am receiving all the school info from a parent. My email is
    Thank you

  2. Good day I did send a email bout the grade r uniform I bought for tristan Bantam I was jst hoping u can inform me how n wen I can get the uniform before school starts.

  3. noxolo mgengiwana

    Good morning , I would like to know if it’s possible to enroll my two kids for next year 2022 , for grade 6 & 1 because we are relocating from another area , is it late ?

  4. Good Afternoon
    My daughter is Grade 6 this year. She was in the ref group last year am I correct in assuming she stays in the same group this year ?

  5. Good day
    I would like to know if there will be 2nd hand grade R (girls) uniforms for sale on monday and Tuesday? Also must the grade 1s and grade Rs come dressed in full uniform with their required stationery on their orientation day (1 hour) on the 10th and 11th Feb?

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